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PCSO 9489 Stephen Marnick
PC 30465 Debra Jackson
Sergeant 3783 Berry

PCSOs are Police Community Support Officers and act as a key liaison point between local communities and policing. Publicly facing, they provide a visible, accessible, and approachable uniformed presence in the community to offer reassurance, defuse situations with threats of conflict, improve confidence and trust, gather information, and foster good community relations.

This role holds designated PCSO legal powers of enforcement in line with local Force requirements to support the successful resolution, prevention, and deterrent of local crime. PCSOs are also expected to respond to a wider range of non-criminal issues that contribute to vulnerability and safety within the community. They are expected to act with discretion, making appropriate use of their designated powers and acting within Force guidelines

Constables play a critical front-line role in the prevention and detection of crime and the criminal justice system. Constables work in partnership on a day-to-day basis with local communities, stakeholders, and colleagues in order to promote law and order, reduce the fear of crime, provide reassurance and build confidence to improve the quality of life for citizens.

This role carries legal powers to enable the maintenance of law and order and bears responsibility for making autonomous decisions in accordance with the National Decision Model and Code of Ethics, exercising professional discretion, as appropriate to the role, in line with legal frameworks and policy guidelines.

Constables are required to meet and maintain the highest professional standards required of their role, by conducting all actions in a legal, balanced, proportionate and justifiable manner to uphold the law and achieve the best outcomes in a wide range of situations/incidents.

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